My physical body is governed by my two greatest protectors which I’ve had the pleasure to name Chaos and Disorder.Entropy shields me from a reality I’ve worked tirelessly to create for myself. It’s a blanket. It is my spiked blanket. It warms me while decaying, deconstructing and delimiting everything it touches.The warmth makes it worth it; my pixels on this screen, look at them. They look broken, as if they’re being destroyed with intent. It's intentional.Look closer.They’re being displaced. Their bounds are pushed, displaced into coordinates where they should never live. There was no script for said pixels.Do the same for me. Slowly degrade me into a cold, null square void of energy or direction. Give me the infinite canvas to reproduce. Finally, look at me. Look at what I can become.
If you want more, look at my website on a desktop.